Thursday, July 10, 2014

General Hospital Episode Review Thursday July 10, 2014

 Poor Alice, I feel so aweful for her & Tracy was being her usual CUNTY self. I feel as though Kiki and Morgan still have deep feelings for eachother and are a better match. Patrick seemed to have felt real bad for the way Rafes surgery to save him went. Honestly i feel as though Patrick did all that he could possibly do because yesterday Rafe tried telling Patrick the real reason he did what he did & Patrick figured if he could try and save Rafe than he will get more information about the accident that killed his premature son. Nathan and Maxie are falling for eachother and you can so tell that the chemistry between them is huge! Hopefully Maxie will get smart and dump this Levi loser she got with on her eat pray love journey she took months ago. Levi is an evil controlive brainwasher!!! Nina spying was kinda dumb, she went into the room as Dr. Clay spoke to Rafe, saying his goodbye's and she just sat in her wheelchair quiet as a mouse listening to everything Silas was saying about how he wished he would have been a better role model and been there more for Rafe. I hope Nina and Levi oh and Ava get killed off soon, they are annoying as hell.

Future Predictions

  1. Silas will either windup back with Nina or figure out that she was the one who broke into his apartment, trashed it and lied about not having any money and being cripled.
  2. Robin will come back pregnant with Patrick's child therefore they will stay together for Emma's and unborn baby's sake and come on, they are ment to be!
  3. Nicholas and Elizabeth will wind up back together and Brit will either wind up with Morgan or someone else in Port Charles.
  4. Lucas and Felix will wind up together as a couple.

I will post spoilers either this weekend or sometime Monday. My predictions are of my opinions only! so please don't take my words seriously cause I'm just simply guessing on the future of GH.

Throwback Thursday photo of the week is.......

Yes that is Kim a.k.a. Robin with short hair in the 1990's I do believe probably late 90's.